• Architectural & Sivil Works

  • Mechanical & Electrical (M&E Works)

"One Stop center building solutions"
"One Stop center building solutions"

About Us

To enrich people's lives with the built environment through Strong creative architectural design and insspirational leadership and Mechanical & Electrical

To become a company of choice for vast creativity with commitment of excellence overwhelming customers satisfaction

Alam Serantau Sdn Bhd

Alam Serantau Resouces is private limired company which 

started from an sole proprietorship on 2009, and was incorporated on 2015,



Architectual service include design, preparation of construction document, and construction adminstartion



A Full range of interior and exterior renovation service for all multifamily and commercial properties



Alam Serantau Resources ensure you deliver buildings, ingrastructure, or both to time and budget


Supply and Servicing

Air-conditional System, Electrical wiring, Plumbing and other related industrial Product Trading

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